What is SKI-L?
The cognitive test “Schüler Kognitionsinventar – Luxembourg (SKI-L)” in cycle 4.2 is offered each year as part of the orientation procedure from fundamental to secondary education- Procédure Passage Fondamental Secondaire (PFS) . It is a written cognitive test which, in combination with school performance and the results of the Épreuves Communes Épreuves communes , can be useful in the orientation process towards secondary education. It assesses skills in the areas of logical, computational, and spatial thinking, as well as memory. In addition to the cognitive test, a self-assessment questionnaire is also part of the SKI-L, providing information on a child’s subjective perception.
Why is the SKI-L organised?
Through the SKI-L test, additional information is gathered that can contribute to a better understanding of the child’s school performance and that can be taken into consideration in the decision-making process regarding school orientation.
Historical background
In the past, a single entrance examination decided on school orientation after the 6th grade of primary education. Since 1996, the guidance procedure is evolving and now includes different elements that allow the assessment of pupils’ skills and abilities, namely a portfolio with the pupil’s productions gathered over two years, the results of school assessments, the results of the national Épreuves Communes and, on the parents’ decision, the results of the psychological tests.
Psychological testing has also evolved over the last 25 years. Recently, the Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires (CePAS) has adapted the current version in collaboration with the University of Luxembourg, more precisely with the Luxembourg Centre of Educational Testing (LUCET). The main aim is to provide additional language free information to the school results, as languages are not tested. Furthermore, the cognitive tests have been designed to assess competences in a linguistically and culturally fair way. Thus, these test results provide a view of the cognitive performance without taking into account school performance and learning levels.
Content of the test
The SKI-L – Schülerkognitionsinventar Luxemburg consists of two main parts :
- the psychological tests that assess the student’s cognitive potential on 4 dimensions
- a self-assessment on the pupil’s self-perception on 6 psychological dimensions related to school and learning.
Les tests psychologiques se concentrent sur l’évaluation des dimensions pertinentes pour l’apprentissage dans un contexte scolaire et permettent un feedback sur le potientiel de l’élève, ainsi que des recommandations comment activer et prendre soin de ce potentiel.
Cognitive Potential
Test make-up session
If your child was unable to take part in the in-class testing session, there are two possibilities.
Contact the psychologist and/or class teacher to arrange a make-up session in a parallel class within the same school.
If this is not possible, please register your child for a make-up session organised at a regional level (late January/early February).
Communication of results
Once pupils have taken part in the SKI-L tests, individual results reports are drawn up. The class psychologist communicates the results to parents and pupils after the Easter holidays (during the 5th individual exchange of the orientation procedure in cycle 4.2).
Support by psycho-socio-educational professionals
Regarding stress and emotion management, specific workshops are offered by CePAS – Centre psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires during the summer holidays to help young people find their own balance and self-confidence in preparation for Year 7: registration requests via info@cepas.public.lu.
At secondary school level, the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth (MENJE) offers specialised services to support and help young people and their parents in matters of well-being during adolescence, specific needs and school and career guidance.
- SePAS – Service psycho-social et d’accompagnement scolaires
- SSE – Service socio-éducatif
- ESEB – Service pour élèves à besoins spécifiques
- CO – Cellule d’orientation
Data protection
Researchers at LUCET (University of Luxembourg) are responsible for developing the SKI-L test and for statistical analysis of the data. The psychologists coordinated by CePAS are responsible for administering the test in schools and for guidance in the transition from primary to secondary education.
In accordance with the directives of the European General Data Protection Regulation, data protection is guaranteed by a pseudonymisation process. All students are given a numeric or alphanumeric code for each test, which is used only once and does not allow their identity to be determined. The University uses this code to evaluate the data contained in the test and questionnaire without being able to identify the students. Only the psychologist in the student’s class can assign this code to the tested pupils as part of the guidance process.
Potentiel Cognitif
University of Luxembourg
Université du Luxembourg
Maison des Sciences Humaines
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette